Become an On The House flattie!

Small regular donation to help contribute to ongoing costs.

Your donations matter

At On The House, we are big on community connection and involvement. Let’s face it, we all get a buzz off belonging to, and contributing to, something worthwhile.

However we don’t all have time to volunteer. But becoming a regular donor as an On The House flattie means you will become an important and critical part of our household.

What is a 'flattie'?

An On The House flattie is an individual who contributes a small regular donation towards ongoing costs to assist us to save more surplus from landfill and distribute to more families and community groups who need it.

How it works

Simply fill out the form to the right and choose the frequency of your regular donation. If each flatmate contributes $3 a week, this will help us to keep the service running!

Donations are just $3 a week, but you can choose how often (or even how much) you would like to contribute “to the flat”.

Flatties also receive “flat updates” – emails with cool info like goals we’re making, how much food we’re saving, and special invites or giveaways (if and when the occasion occurs).

Join as a flattie here