
Any amount you can contribute will help us on our kaupapa to reduce food waste and strengthen community

How every donation helps

We’re a grassroots community initiative keeping it real. Although we don’t need much to run on – we try to keep things light and flexible – there are lots of little expenses that you can help us with, including food packaging, cleaning products, food-handling gloves, medium to large equipment, and admin costs.

Every donation is used directly to keep On The House running smoothly.

Donate Here!

Please choose any amount to donate.

When you click the button you will be directed to our secure payment processing form in a new tab. Once finished you will be returned here

Can I donate regularly?

Yes you can. The simplest way is for you to become an On The House ‘flattie’!

At On The House, we are big on community connection and environment. Let’s face it, we all get a buzz off belonging to, and contributing to, something worthwhile.

However we don’t all have time to volunteer. But becoming a regular donor, otherwise known as a ‘flatmate’ of OTH, you can become an important and critical part of our household.

To learn more, or sign up, click here.

Want to make it a routine?

Can I become a sponsor?

Sponsorship can come in many ways. We can be innovative and find how you can help best. If you (or your business) would like to become a named sponsor of On The House, please have a look at our sponsor page, or message us directly.

Other ways to help

Not all help comes in the form of monetary donations. We have an ever-growing list of ideas and needs as we grow and expand. Come talk to us! We love to find ways all can contribute.